Friday, December 31, 2010


I am attempting to do a bit of advertising for my business. So I am going to run a contest for one week in which you can win a $20 Reasor's gift card. To enter, simply post the following on your facebook status, then comment on this blog article letting me know you did it. Facebook status: "I entered the contest to win a free Wal-mart giftcard at " There will be no minimum time the status must remain on your facebook profile.
I would love to help you start out the New Year right by creating a budget for your family. See my original post on this blog for details. I only charge $50! Please contact me at to setup an appointment. There is no time like January to begin taking steps to financial freedom.

1 comment:

  1. I did it! Posted it about 3. Hope this brings some customers! Rebecca Costanzo
