Friday, December 31, 2010


I am attempting to do a bit of advertising for my business. So I am going to run a contest for one week in which you can win a $20 Reasor's gift card. To enter, simply post the following on your facebook status, then comment on this blog article letting me know you did it. Facebook status: "I entered the contest to win a free Wal-mart giftcard at " There will be no minimum time the status must remain on your facebook profile.
I would love to help you start out the New Year right by creating a budget for your family. See my original post on this blog for details. I only charge $50! Please contact me at to setup an appointment. There is no time like January to begin taking steps to financial freedom.


Coupons can save you a lot of money, but they can cost you a lot of money too. Most of you would be surprised to know that I am not a big coupon user. I admire those who diligently seek out worthwhile coupons. With two small boys, I just can't find the time. There are some really great coupon sites available which can potentially save you plenty of money. However, to be a really effective coupon user, you need to put in about an hour a week of research. I have a few rules when using coupons. First, if this is not the brand I usually purchase, am I sure I am actually saving money? The brand you normally buy may be cheaper than the coupon brand even with the coupon. Second, if the coupon requires me to buy more than 1 item, am I positive I can use the other item before it expires? Be especially careful of this rule when using coupons for dairy products or beverages. Third, if the coupon requires me to purchase a brand that I would not normally purchase, am I willing to risk wasting the money if my family does not like it? Fourth, always remember that many coupons require you to purchase multiple items. Using a lot of these types of coupons may temporarily result in increased spending. Be sure that your budget has room for the temporary increase.
That being said, I do not want to discount the use of coupons for items that you normally use. As I always say, "A dollar saved is a dollar earned." If you find a coupon for an item you normally buy, use it! There are some really great coupon sites out there for people who get into coupon clipping. My favorite local site is, and the national site Checking the local ads online at Walgreens can also save you a lot of money. So clip those coupons, just keep the rules in mind. :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Budget Friendly Recipes

Since starting this blog I have had a lot of people ask about our grocery budget. Keeping my grocery budget under control is one of my biggest financial challenges. I love to cook and one of my greatest joys is fixing food for my family. I love to eat good food too! So finding budget friendly recipes is a never ending quest in our household. My plan is to start posting one recipe per week that should fit into any family's budget. My parameters will be that it has to feed a family of four for $10 or less. I love the thought of a challenge, and I welcome your feedback. If you have a great recipe you would like to share, send me an e-mail at or comment to this post. Most of my recipes have originated from someone I know. So I will always give credit where credit is due!

BBQ chicken sandwiches
2 boneless chicken breasts
1 jar BBQ sauce (we prefer Head Country)
A few shakes of soy sauce

Cut the chicken breasts into strips. Put in a crock pot. Pour at least half of the jar of BBQ sauce on the chicken. You want the chicken to be covered in BBQ sauce, but not swimming in it. Shake a little soy sauce on top. Cook for 5-6 hours on low. Shred the chicken. Put a little shredded chicken on a bun and top with more BBQ sauce. Serve with Baked Beans and another side of your choice. :) We like fried okra, but we are not the healthiest of eaters!
(You can also start shredding the chicken after it cooks for 3-4 hours, by cutting it into smaller pieces every hour or so until it is done. Either ways works, and I usually start shredding at 3-4 hours because I have a hard time leaving it alone!)